
Father-Son Chatbot

Two advanced chatbots in python, using bidirectional LSTMs. (code)

Flappybird - Neuroevolution

Bot plays the flappy-bird game using Neuroevolutionary A.I. (code) (Demo)

Dubai Traffic Incidents Data Visualisation

Map the traffic Incidents in Dubai.(code)

Stop-sign Detection

Detect 'STOP' signs in a given image/video. Used Single Shot Multibox Detector (SSD) with MobileNet in Tensorflow. (code)

Augmented Reality (AR) project

Places 3D sunglass object on faces of webcam video stream (real-time). (code) (demo)

Tensor based Practical Recursive Projected Compressive Sensing (Principle component analysis).

Evaluated and compared the Matrix based compressed sensing approach and Tensor based Compressed Sensing approach of separating a video sequence into a background sequence and foreground sequence that consists of one or more moving objects/regions.(code) (paper)

Comparison of Classical and Compressive Sensing based Approach in Foreground\Background Separation

Evaluated and compared the classical statistical approach and the new Compressed Sensing based approach of separating a video sequence into a background sequence and a foreground sequence that consists of one or more moving objects/regions.(code) (paper)

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